Hello my Facebook buddies…..We all like our friends, right?  So here are 6 easy steps on how to take care of your friends who are looking to buy a home in South Jersey… and how to send a referral to your Favorite Realtor…… uhmm, that’s me…. and of course I’ll make sure they get the best service, advice and guidance.  facebook Read more »

beer_mugIf you never knew  (or never really cared)  how real estate agents get paid, you might be surprised that we actually work for Free !   Yes it’s true…. kind of.

When selling your South Jersey home, we enter into a listing agreement which explains that my brokerage fee is contingent upon successfully selling your home.     No sale, no brokerage fee.    It’s like a built-in money back guarantee because you don’t pay anything unless we’re successful !

So if you made a short list of things that REALTORS do to sell your home in South Jersey….   Sign in the yard- Free.    Pictures of the house- Free.    Virtual Tours- Free.     Open House- Free.     Showings- Free.    Advertising- Free.      Selling Your Home, going to Settlement, paying your REALTOR’s commission and having a cold beer to celebrate….. PRICELESS.

Thanks for Reading!
Joe Montenigro

It’s a question that I get all the time…. but what’s the REAL question? Maybe some people are just making small talk because they know I’m a broker but many, I believe, want to know if it’s OK to buy a home. Watching the news is scarey and there’s no question-mark1shortage of uncertainty in the real estate markets, so what’s the right thing to do… buy now or wait til the market hits bottom?

Well…. How will you know when the market hits bottom? Will you rely on the nightly news? When will THEY know? Home sale statistics don’t come out for a few months AFTER the fact… so you won’t know we hit the “bottom” until AFTER it’s past…. then you’ll be buying on the way UP! That’s not good either.

Here’s the short answer. Buy now for the long term. That’s it. It’s that simple so let’s not overcomplicate it. If you’re not ready to own the property for the next 3 to 8 years, don’t buy it. If you are ready, then it’s an absolutely GREAT time to buy a property. Prices are down, there are fewer competing buyers in the marketplace, interest rates are very very good, and there’s a bigger selection of homes by double.

The truth is, most people buy or sell when it’s the right time for them and their family, not based on the market conditions. It would be silly to move and rearrange your life every time the market moved one way or the other. Buying and selling a home takes a lot of time, costs a lot of money and by it’s very nature, should be a long term decision.

The Conclusion? If the time is right for your family, 2009 is the right time to buy a home in the south jersey real estate market. It’s OK… and tell ’em I said so 🙂

Thanks for Reading,
Joe Montenigro
REMAX Home Team